Donor Levels

Charitable Contributions
The Foundation's important work in research and education is made possible by the generous charitable contributions of many leading law firms, corporations and organizations nationwide, as well as the contributions of individual supporters. You and your organization can join those making a commitment to support the development of reliable, cutting edge information on lawyer careers and the law as a profession. To learn more about partnering with the Foundation, contact Skip Horne, Vice President for Engagement, at shorne@nalpfoundation.org.
Matching Gifts
One of the easiest ways to increase your donation to the NALP Foundation is through your employer’s matching gift program. Some even match donations from spouses, retirees and board members. Simply complete your employer’s matching gift form, then let us know to be on the lookout for your additional gift.

Donor Levels & Benefits
Gold ($15,000+)
Customized seminar or group presentation for your organization.
Customized comparative reporting of AmLaw 200 firms and peer firms for annual Update on Associate Attrition.
One complimentary registration for a Foundation program.
One complimentary copy of all research publications.
Recognition as a Gold level donor on the Foundation website, and in research publications and marketing materials.
Silver ($10,000 - $14,999)
Customized comparative reporting of AmLaw 200 firms for annual Update on Associate Attrition.
Complimentary copy of one Foundation research publication of donor’s choice.
One discounted registration for a Foundation program.
Recognition as a Silver level donor on the Foundation’s website and marketing materials.
Bronze ($5,000 - $9,999)
Complimentary copy of one Foundation research publication of donor’s choice.
Recognition as a Bronze level donor on the Foundation’s website and marketing materials.
Supporter (up to $4999)
Recognition as a Supporter level donor on the Foundation’s website and marketing materials.